Monday, August 22, 2011

Why People Should Recycle

1) 70 percent of the garbage in America is recyclable.
2) Only about 32 percent of our trash is actually recycled.

That means, that another 38 percent of our trash can still be recycled.  If 30 percent of our garbage isn't recyclable, and we have 38 percent that is not being recycled.  That means, that over half of our garbage going into dumps, is NOT being recycled.  This could have a negative impact on the environment.

I'm guilty myself of throwing away plastic and paper.  If we didn't throw away so much plastic and paper, our Garbage bags would take forever to fill up.  Therefor, reducing plastic use even more.

We as a whole, need to take responsibility for our own actions.  Even on a low level such as recycling metals, plastics, and paper can have a huge impact on our lives.  This will not only save our resources for future generations, but it'll cut down on our oil use as well.

(This part taken from About Environment

Overall, the two scientists estimate that meeting U.S. demand for bottled-water—assuming the 2007 consumption rate of 33 billion liters—requires energy equivalent to between 32 million and 54 million barrels of oil. The energy required to satisfy the global thirst for bottled water is about three times that amount.

So, as you can see, our part is just as important for the use of plastic.  Not as many people recycle that should be.  This is something that we can all do to help.

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