Google Plus. Facebook's biggest threat at the moment. But why? What does Google Plus have that Facebook doesn't? There have been numerous reviews on Google Plus, obviously by Facebook Fanatics, because they didn't even give Google Plus an honest chance. I'm not talking about all the reviews out there, I'm talking about the ones who logged in for a few hours, looked around, then turned tail and ran. Not a very good impression is it?
I've been active on Google Plus for almost three months now. This has given me a better look at the big picture. I've had time to adjust and see what I don't like, and what I do like. Quite frankly, there isn't really anything that I've found that I don't like. Here are my thoughts.
My first thoughts of Google Plus were amazement, as thought this was something new. I'm still in amazement at Google Plus. It has a very clean and magnetic feel to it. Once you start using it, it's easy to get drawn in. This is indeed a threat to Facebook. Why? Because for one, Facebook is all cluttered and filled with ads galore. Ever notice how many ads you're faced with each day on Facebook? On top of that, Facebook's security features, just plain suck. Most people will agree with that one.
What's with the circles? One of the key features of Google Plus is the Circles. These are groups that you can sort people into. Put your family in one group, while your acquaintances are in another. You can create other groups as well, such as Gamers or Minecrafters. Part of an online Book Club? Put those in their own circle. Are you a blogger? Put your fellow bloggers in a circle. You can also add people to multiple circles. This way, when you want to share something with just one circle, it'll only be shared with them.
What are Hangouts? Hangouts are video chat groups that you can host, or join. You can have up to eight people in one Hangout. I've seen Hangouts ranging from various topics, such as: Falling Satellite, Writers, Lego Creations, etc. There is a wide range of Hangouts, even just random hangouts that people start. If you have a webcam, these Hangouts will be up your ally, especially if you use Skype, sense the Hangouts are powered by it.
Perhaps one thing I don't like about Google Plus yet, is one loop whole in the security of it. If you make a post and share it with a group of people, those people can then share that post with another group(s). That is my only complaint so far. If Google Plus will fix that, they'll be Golden in my book. I have yet to try out the Facebook's group sharing option. I just find Facebook redundant all together.
In conclusion, Facebook is a mess of a mess and needs a lot of work. While I think the new Timeline feature is fascinating and could be a game turner, I don't think a new profile look is really the answer to anything. All profile changes do, is piss people off. Don't believe me? Look at MySpace. Google Plus has a few things going for it, at least in my opinion. It's clean, it's fun, and gives you more options. I do enjoy having the Google Plus notifications at the top of my Google Home Page, Gmail, etc. I'll most likely be sticking with Google Plus for a while, at least they have a way to send Feedback. Facebook didn't start giving users what they wanted, until Google Plus came on the scene. That should raise a red flag.
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