Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Minecraft - 1.8 Update

So, Notch is going to release an update for Minecraft.  When?  Right around the time of the Minecon Convention.  So, it'll be a couple months yet.  At the same time, not everything is really confirmed in the release.  What is confirmed?  Well, here's a list of things below.

  • New Biome Code (Confirmed biomes: Large cliffs, Mountains, Islands, Canyons)
  • Snow is now covered over the whole cubic block to look more realistic?
  • Creative Mode (That mode will allow flying without mods both in SSP and SMP.)
  • New Mobs! (Confirmed Mobs: Endermen)
  • New lighting system.
  • Rivers
  • Food eating w/ animation.
  • Skills
  • Experience orbs.
  • Hunger
  • New HUD. (Whats new: Hunger bar, skill bar)
  • Randomly generate mineshafts.
  • New title menu background.
  • Volcanoes will not be in 1.8, but Notch confirmed they are possible and could be coming in the future.
  • Biomes will be much more distinct, and rivers will separate some of them.
  • Endermen will have a two block reach and will teleport to attack you when you move your crosshairs off of them. They do, however, have a major weakness: Water. If you can lure them into chasing you into water they die off fairly quickly. They will also collect blocks to make geometric shapes. They are considered rare.
  • Silverfish is some sort of new random mob.
  • Oceans are much larger and with randomly dotted islands.
  • Rain has been improved, “like a thousand times better” according to Notch.
  • NPC Villages are ready to go, but not the characters themselves, they will be released down the road. They will be peaceful and leave you alone unless you attack one. Sort of like Zombie Pigmen in the Nether.
  • Speaking of the Nether, there will be no updates for the Minecraft underworld just yet, but there will be at some point in the future.
  • Lava and torches will have new lighting effects, and in possibly one of the most exciting updates, torches will give off light in your hand while holding it.
  • Zombies will now drop rotten flesh as opposed to feathers (which never really made sense, anyway).
  • Bows & Arrows have new animations, and charged arrows will have a lot more power and fly further.
  • You’ll finally be able to grow pumpkins thanks to seeds.
  • Melons have been added and can also be grown in farms.
  • You will now have a Hunger Bar on your HUD. The more you sprint, the hungrier you get.
  • There is now an animation for eating, and it also takes a few seconds now instead of being instantaneous.
  • Tables. Finally … tables. No more just placing a wooden block and making people think it’s a table.
  • Glass panes will be super thin glass and you can remove them unlike glass blocks.
  • “Dead Mine Shafts” will be randomly generated like Dungeons and will feature rails, torches and wooden pillars.
  • New Creative Mode will allow you to fly, hover, instantly destroy blocks – including Bedrock – and spawn items in unlimited numbers.
  • You will be able to pull up a menu and just click on the items you wish to create. Admins will be able to turn this on and off.
  • Killing animals and mobs will now drop Experience Orbs, and you gain skill points by filling up your XP bar, but you can’t do anything with those points … yet.
  • Due to the number of updates, 1.8 updates may come in parts. (i.e. 1.8.1, 1.8.2)
  This is quite exciting and there are a number of useful features in this.  First, we'll start with the biomes.  Biomes that are separated by rivers, now that's something new to the game that will make it more interesting.

Creative mode and the fact that you'll be able to have every item at your disposal is an awesome feature for Minecraft.  No longer will you have a need for the TooManyItems mod.  I mean, if you want to go into adventure mode, why do you really need it?  This is great for those who want to join the game and just build.

Endermen, I'm not sure how I feel about these at the moment.  The fact that they do have a weakness, makes it even more interesting.  I just hope I'm not in the middle of a Desert when I run into one of them.

Oceans will be larger and randomly dotted with Islands?  This opens up a whole new level of Gameplay.  So, who wants to be a Pirate?  Anyone?  Join my crew?

Rotting Flesh from Zombies?  What is that uses for anyway?  A mask you can wear in the Nether?

The NPCs feature will be epic.  I can see the potential of this now.  Lot's of adventures in Minecraft to be had now.  As though there wasn't enough to do right?  Still, going to be awesome.

Charged Bows and new achievements will bring a slight fun factor to Minecraft.  This is going to be interesting.  I imagine it being sort of like the Charged Sword attack in Zelda.

New animations for eating?  I'm not sure how I feel about this one.  I mean, why not leave it the same.  Unless Notch wants to make it a little harder to play.  Maybe he thinks we have it too easy?

The Dead Mine Shafts will be a site to see.  This will add a new scary factor to Minecraft.  Yet another way to creep people out.  Just make sure you don't get too scared when that Zombie jumps out from around the corner.

XP Bar.  While this is an interesting feature, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.  Will there be magical skills that you can purchase as upgrades so to speak?  That would be awesome.

This has been my epic review of the Minecraft 1.8 update features.  Hope you enjoyed it.  There are some things that aren't set in stone yet, but we'll have to wait and see what comes out when it finally comes.  There is however going to be a couple of other features, such as Floating Islands and Baby Animals that you can supposedly tame and train.  Good luck on your Minecraft Adventures and look toward the future.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Google Plus - Are You Using It?

Many people have already jumped on the Google Plus bandwagon.  Millions have created accounts, yet why are people leaving Google Plus and is it for you?

Google Plus, is Google's new platform.  It's a Social Network that many people believe has a strong potential.  It's main competition?  Facebook.  MySpace is basically dead, so now it's going to be between Google and Facebook.

Many people will probably stay with Facebook.  It will probably be the younger generation and the older generation that has their kids on there and or grandkids.  Though, Google Plus will definitely appeal to a more mature audience.

Key features of Google Plus -

Circles - the ability to sort your friends and share information with just that group.
Web Video Chat - Google has a partnership with Skype to enable video chat with local members.
Sparks - the ability to browse Google Plus by topic and find interesting post to read.

What are Circles?  An easy way to sort your post.  If you would like to make your post public, just choose to make them public so everyone can see them.  Want to make your post private so only a few people can see them?  Just type in the names of the people in your circles, or just use the entire circle itself.  Let's say you want to send out a post to your Family members.  Just click the Family circle while you're making a post.  Simple enough.

Web Video Chat has been with Google Plus from the Start.  Before Facebook even announced it.  Many people on Facebook wanted Web Video Chat, yet at the same time, Facebook ignored them.  Until now.  Perhaps Google Plus is a threat to Facebook?  With Web Video Chat on Google Plus, people can join in your video chat, or you can make it private between two people.

Sparks are a convenient way to separate your searches on Google Plus.  Let's say you want to look up what everyone is posting about Recipes.  Of course, this searches through Public Post and brings you back a list of post sharing Recipe ideas, etc.  You get the Idea.  When you first click on the Sparks tab, you'll find a list of popular search results on Google Plus.  Just click on of those if you see anything you like.  Let's say you want to add a category that isn't there.  Search for let's say, "Travel" and then click the Add Interest button.

These are three features that Facebook never had until Google Plus came around.  The fact that Facebook rushed these features in just a few short months, means that Facebook is a little bit scared of Google Plus rising up as a competitor.  Facebook doesn't care at all about it's users, but Google Plus does.  Google actually listens to user feedback and implements what the users wants.  Granted, it's probably something a lot of people want, but still, you get what you want on Google Plus, don't on Facebook.

Now, the problem?  Yes there is a problem.  Many people out there on Google Plus only use it for one day, then give it a bad review.  They claim it's nearly impossible to find you friends, convince them to move over to Google Plus, or even find new Friends.  I already have 185 people in my main circle that I'm following already.  I started my account with Google Plus on July 7, 2011.  These people making these reviews, are obviously not giving Google Plus a chance.  It take time to build up quality friends that you want to follow.  Think of the time it took you to get all those Facebook friends you have.

So, my plea?  Use Google Plus and give it an honest chance.  Use it for about a month.  If you aren't satisfied with Google Plus after one month.  Go back to Facebook.  Personally, I've been looking for a reason to leave Facebook, and while I just might, there isn't enough of my close friends over at Google Plus yet.

20" Monitor

I just picked up a 20" monitor today.  Here are the Major key details.

Brand - Acer
LED Technology
12,000,000:1 Contrast Ratio
Ultra Thin

I'll be doing a bit more of an in depth review, probably within the week.  After I've had a chance to actually use it a bit.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene - Why All The Fuss?

Ever notice how much hype there was over this storm?  Irene I mean.  She's caused a lot of confusion and misinformation if you ask me.  Also, why do they have to take a storm and drag it out on the news.

Breaking News: Hurricane Irene has made landfall.  Please, that's not breaking news.  Ever notice how most of the time, Breaking News, isn't breaking news at all?

I know that I'm not the only one that gets frustrated with this sort of thing.  What about you?  Do you get frustrated with the fact that the News media thinks we're stupid or something?  Well, they must think we're stupid.

One news media station even goes as far as playing the same stuff over and over each hour.  With very little change if any throughout the day.  Seriously?  Are you guys that stupid?  I mean, who really wants to sit there and listen to news on the storm for an hour?  Who wants to sit there and listen to news on a murder case for an hour?  Who wants to sit there and listen to the news of war for an entire hour?

I just have one question.  What new things are they showing us?   Not much really.  I think it's time for the Newscasters and News Media in general, to "Grow Up."  On top of that, what's with these idiotic weather forecasters, stepping out in Hurricane force winds.  Yeah, you won't catch me out there.  These idiots can have their stories.

Thoughts and questions?  I've got lots of them and I'm sure you do as well.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Why People Should Recycle

1) 70 percent of the garbage in America is recyclable.
2) Only about 32 percent of our trash is actually recycled.

That means, that another 38 percent of our trash can still be recycled.  If 30 percent of our garbage isn't recyclable, and we have 38 percent that is not being recycled.  That means, that over half of our garbage going into dumps, is NOT being recycled.  This could have a negative impact on the environment.

I'm guilty myself of throwing away plastic and paper.  If we didn't throw away so much plastic and paper, our Garbage bags would take forever to fill up.  Therefor, reducing plastic use even more.

We as a whole, need to take responsibility for our own actions.  Even on a low level such as recycling metals, plastics, and paper can have a huge impact on our lives.  This will not only save our resources for future generations, but it'll cut down on our oil use as well.

(This part taken from About Environment

Overall, the two scientists estimate that meeting U.S. demand for bottled-water—assuming the 2007 consumption rate of 33 billion liters—requires energy equivalent to between 32 million and 54 million barrels of oil. The energy required to satisfy the global thirst for bottled water is about three times that amount.

So, as you can see, our part is just as important for the use of plastic.  Not as many people recycle that should be.  This is something that we can all do to help.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Minecraft Must Have Apparel.

Minecraft must have Apparel.  If you're into Minecraft and would love to have some clothing.  Here are a few suggestions for you.  There is enough to go around.

Minecraft Periodic Table

Powered By Redstone T-shirt

Minecraft Logo T

I Porkchop Minecraft T

Live In Your World, Play In Mines T

 Minecraft Runaway Glow In The Dark T

 Minecraft Creeper Cap

Minecraft Retro Creeper T

Minecon - Minecraft's Own Con

Minecraft officially has it's own Con.  It's called Minecon.  As of this posting there are 88+ days left until the Convention.  That's right.  Why is this so important?  Simple.  Notch is going to have an important announcement.  Several actually.

One thing we do know, is that Minecraft will officially be out of Beta and be an Official game.  So, what does that mean for a lot of players who want Minecraft?  That means you should get it now if you can.  at 20 Euro, you can't hardly go wrong.  Notch has already sold over 30 million copies of Minecraft.  Why not add to that, because once it's out of beta, it's going to 30 Euro.

On a side note, Bethesda, is trying to sue Mojang, for using the word Scroll inside the game.  If you're unfamiliar with Bethesda, think Elder Scrolls, Morrowind and Oblivion.  Both popular games by Bethesda.  This little tid bit of information is turning me off to Bethesda.  Just like when Facebook tried to sue someone for using Book in their website address.  Gasp.

With that said, Minecon should be awesome, if you're a Minecraft fan.  If you don't even know what Minecraft is yet, go to the Minecraft website to check it out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Batteries That Can Charge Faster?

Scientist are in the works on batteries that can charge faster.  How much faster?  How about minutes rather than hours?  This new technology is something else.  They are working towards using it in Electric cars.  Imagine a time when you can charge your Electric car while you're in the store purchasing a soda.  This would make traveling with them a whole lot easier.  The Problem?

One of the problems remains in the cost of the product.  Graphene is a relatively expensive product, but the company that produces it, is working on ways to drastically reduce the cost in 1-3 years.  Graphene research has been going on for a while now, yet they have now the ability to make life a lot easier.  Who needs a fuel pump when you can plug in your car?

The secret to these Energy Storage Devices, is not really that much of a secret.  It's ability to charge quickly lies in the large surface areas of the Anodes and Cathodes.  This allows faster transfer of the Ions needed to power the battery.

So far, studies have been done on 1,000 cycles and 2,000 cycles.  The 1,000 cycle study has showed positive results and a 95% retaining of the charge.  This is great news for Electric car drivers.  Like every other rechargeable battery, there is going to be some wear and tear.  So, they'll probably have to be replaced every few years.

Now, just combine these with Solar panels and you'll have endless possibilities.  They'll be able to be used right along side solar and wind units.  What do you think?  Will Electric Car manufactures be adding these along with solar panels to their cars in the future?  Just the Batteries, or do you think that Solar Panels alone will last a while?

This article was in reference to an article written on Physorg

Will People Be Storing Meat and Dairy Products?

Microbiologist Dan O Sullivan, found an interesting preservative while doing research on the intestine.  This was actually an accidental find, but Dan O Sullivan already has a patent on it.  Why?  Simple, the preservative properties of this, are already at work in the human body.  This brings up one question that people are asking.  Does this mean that it's safe?  Well, there are still studies being done on it, so it's hard to say.

One thing is clear though.  Mr. Sullivan is already expecting foods to have this preservative in them in at least one to three years.  He said three years, others believe as little as one.  What is this preservative called?  Nisin and it has bacteria killing properties that can even destroy E. Coli.  This may be one reason why some people are subjective to the E. Coli strain.  Not enough Nisin in their system?

Of course, with this new discovery, there arises a lot of questions.  Is it safe to eat?  Many suspect that it is, sense it's found in the body naturally, yet some believe that too much, could lead to disorders, diseases, etc.  How much research is needed to prove this safe?  Is one year enough time?  Or is the whole three years required?  Perhaps even longer?

Nisin actually has similar chemical properties that are in the preservative Bisin, (used in cheese).  Some believe that this preservative will allow the preservation of food to be longer than just a few years.  Maybe even forever.  Imagine if the Egyptians had stored Meat and Dairy Products in their tomes?  What if we were digging up several thousand year old Meat and Dairy that was still good?

So, there arise another question.  Many people like to put back food for hard times.  Survival food, so to speak.  Will you be putting back Meat and Dairy if it can last 10 - 20 years or longer?  How long will it be before you decide that it's safe?  Will you wait another 10 - 20 years to see if their are any side effects from eating too much of this preservative?

This article was in reference to an article written on Physorg

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Foursquare and Instagram Added to Empire Avenue

What do you get when you cross Empire Avenue, $1.2 Million, and big shots such as: Crosslink Capitol, iNova Capitol, and Bioware Co-Founders?  Endless Possibilities that's what.  Empire Avenue (known as EAv here on out) recently acquired investors.  These investors mean a lot to the EAv team and it's players.

Why does this mean a lot?  Well, instead of "Going out and buying a Zeppelin," there quote, not mine, they'll be spending a lot of that on new team members.  These team members will give a boost to production in the EAv atmosphere.  This is great news, considering the fact that there are only a few of them to begin with.

More team members isn't the only reason to be happy though.  They just added connections to Foursquare and Instagram.  For those of you who use mobile devices and actually get out enough to use them, this will be a huge plus.  With eight profiles already, two more wouldn't hurt.  Right?  Also, with these added connections and team members, they'll be able to add connections quicker than you'd expect normally.

So, what does this mean for EAv?  More connections, more team members, more users, more virtual goods, better updates, etc.  All in all, I think it's a good day for EAv.  If you aren't already using this massive Stock Market game that puts a value on your Social Media activity, now might be the time to join.  It's only going to sky rocket from here.  And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

Empire Avenue