Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Google Plus - Are You Using It?

Many people have already jumped on the Google Plus bandwagon.  Millions have created accounts, yet why are people leaving Google Plus and is it for you?

Google Plus, is Google's new platform.  It's a Social Network that many people believe has a strong potential.  It's main competition?  Facebook.  MySpace is basically dead, so now it's going to be between Google and Facebook.

Many people will probably stay with Facebook.  It will probably be the younger generation and the older generation that has their kids on there and or grandkids.  Though, Google Plus will definitely appeal to a more mature audience.

Key features of Google Plus -

Circles - the ability to sort your friends and share information with just that group.
Web Video Chat - Google has a partnership with Skype to enable video chat with local members.
Sparks - the ability to browse Google Plus by topic and find interesting post to read.

What are Circles?  An easy way to sort your post.  If you would like to make your post public, just choose to make them public so everyone can see them.  Want to make your post private so only a few people can see them?  Just type in the names of the people in your circles, or just use the entire circle itself.  Let's say you want to send out a post to your Family members.  Just click the Family circle while you're making a post.  Simple enough.

Web Video Chat has been with Google Plus from the Start.  Before Facebook even announced it.  Many people on Facebook wanted Web Video Chat, yet at the same time, Facebook ignored them.  Until now.  Perhaps Google Plus is a threat to Facebook?  With Web Video Chat on Google Plus, people can join in your video chat, or you can make it private between two people.

Sparks are a convenient way to separate your searches on Google Plus.  Let's say you want to look up what everyone is posting about Recipes.  Of course, this searches through Public Post and brings you back a list of post sharing Recipe ideas, etc.  You get the Idea.  When you first click on the Sparks tab, you'll find a list of popular search results on Google Plus.  Just click on of those if you see anything you like.  Let's say you want to add a category that isn't there.  Search for let's say, "Travel" and then click the Add Interest button.

These are three features that Facebook never had until Google Plus came around.  The fact that Facebook rushed these features in just a few short months, means that Facebook is a little bit scared of Google Plus rising up as a competitor.  Facebook doesn't care at all about it's users, but Google Plus does.  Google actually listens to user feedback and implements what the users wants.  Granted, it's probably something a lot of people want, but still, you get what you want on Google Plus, don't on Facebook.

Now, the problem?  Yes there is a problem.  Many people out there on Google Plus only use it for one day, then give it a bad review.  They claim it's nearly impossible to find you friends, convince them to move over to Google Plus, or even find new Friends.  I already have 185 people in my main circle that I'm following already.  I started my account with Google Plus on July 7, 2011.  These people making these reviews, are obviously not giving Google Plus a chance.  It take time to build up quality friends that you want to follow.  Think of the time it took you to get all those Facebook friends you have.

So, my plea?  Use Google Plus and give it an honest chance.  Use it for about a month.  If you aren't satisfied with Google Plus after one month.  Go back to Facebook.  Personally, I've been looking for a reason to leave Facebook, and while I just might, there isn't enough of my close friends over at Google Plus yet.

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