Thursday, June 30, 2011

Planting Fresh Cilantro

So, I have a few Cilantro seeds that I want to plant.  They apparently grow well during the summer months and require sunshine, but the roots need to be kept cool.  They are a rather quick growing plant and take about 6-8 weeks to grow.  I think I might start today and plant these Cilantro seeds.  I love having Fresh herbs on hand to cook with.  It's awesome.  Fresh Parsley, Garlic, Cilantro, Green Onion, it's all great to plant and harvest Fresh. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

My New Twitter Follow Policy.

I'm changing my twitter follow Policy.  Just because your on twitter, doesn't mean I'm going to follow you back.  Here is my new policy.

- Do you have anything that interest me?  If you are writing about something I'm not interested in, chances are, I'm not going to follow you.

- Do you tweet a lot?  If you are posting 5 -10 post every hour and they are meaningless post and I can see any reason why you have 10k+ followers.  I'm not following you.

- If you tweet about Tech, chances are, I probably will follow you.

- Do you tweet about Fitness?  Chances are, I probably will follow you.

- What about Travel?  I'll probably follow you.

- If you're a chef, or tweet about good food, I'll probably follow you.

- If you are a singer or actor/actress that I like, I'll probably follow you.

Why am I making this policy?  Well, lately I've been adding a bunch of people.  Most of these people don't even tweet anything I"m really that interested in.  So, If you don't tweet about anything I'm interested in.  Chances are, I might not follow you.

I have other things I'm interested in as well.  Culture, Gaming, Photography, Astronomy and Space, etc.

Rewards of Growing a Garden

I've always wanted to grow a garden.  While I have planted a few seeds, I've never really took care of a garden that well.  Any of the successful gardens we've always had, was because of my parents.  But, this post isn't actually about How to Garden.  This post is about the rewards of Gardening.

So, what are the rewards?  The rewards can be numerous.

- Fresh Food When You Want It.
- Healthier Living and a Healthier Body.
- Better Tasting Food.
- You Know What It's Your Food.
- The Satisfaction Knowing You Have A Valuable Survival Skill.

I'm sure other people can think of several more benefits/rewards of Gardening.  These are just the surface of it.  One of the great things I love about Gardening is the Freshness of the Food you get from it.  This is the "KEY" to any good meal.  The Freshness and Quality of the food, more so than the Food itself.  Technique more so than the Food itself.

Have you ever planted a garden?  Was it successful?  Heck, have you ever even had Fresh food?  Many Americans don't even know what Fresh Food taste like.  They assume that the food they get from the supermarket is fresh.  I hate to tell you this, but it's not.  They pick those foods before they even ripe and then they have to ship them here.  So, often times, the food is what we call green when it's picked.

It amazes me all the time, when someone has Fresh Fruit for the first time.  "It's so good.  Not like that store bought stuff."  The expression on their face, is usually one of shock/surprise.  Yet, people still buy all this produce, and vegetables from Mass Produced farms, that has no nutritional value.  Ok, it has some nutritional value, but not as much as it should.  I'd recommend buying from farmers markets.  Or growing your own.  If you don't have the time to grow your own food, then buy Organic.

"But Organic is so expensive."  Not really.  How many of you are sitting there with a 40" Big Screen TV?  How many of you are sitting there with a Cell Phone and have to pay at least $50-$100 per month?  How many of you are paying at least $50 a month to the cable company.  If you have Internet through them, you're paying more than that.  My point is, we tend to put emphasis on the quality of products we have, but fail to put emphasis on the quality of food that goes into our bodies.  And Americans wonder why they're fat.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to write several blog post in one day?

So, I was asked to write a blog post on how to write several blog post in one day.  What is my key?  I think the key to my success is I just write what ever is on my mind.  One thing I'm started to do is read the newspaper occasionally.  I can get at least several blog post out of there.

Writing multiple blog post a day doesn't have to be time consuming or difficult.  I just wrote two blog post in probably 5-10 minutes.  The thing is, if you find something interesting.  Write about it.  If you have to, make a second blog away from your main blog and write about photos that you find on the internet.  If you find some cool wallpapers, or a website that is loaded with them, write about it.  Share the link.  Are you a news junkie, and love keeping up with current events?  Write about your favorite website for gathering information.  Or, better yet, keep that website for yourself and write about the article that stick out to you.  Write about how stupid the people are in the article.  What your thoughts are on the whole issue.  Sure you're going to have some criticism, but every great writer has their critics.  Look at J. K. Rowling.  Being attacked by the Christians.  This is why I hate religion.  It's the hard core religious nuts that are perverting things around.  I consider myself a spiritualist, not a religious type.

If you're passionate about religion though, write about it.  I'm sure you'll get a following.  While my following is currently only two people on this blog.  I have a few readers on my other blog as well.  It's the comments I get like "With the bases loaded, you struck us out with that answer."  "This post makes mine look feeble."  These kind of comments that I get keep me inspired.  They keep me going. That says to me that, hey someone is actually reading my stuff.  It may take you a while to get a few followers, but hey, keep at it and you'll get them in no time  Just stay active on the social networks.

Well, I think that's about all I have to say really.  Just write what your passionate about.  Pick several things to write about.  A lot of blogs nowadays are going that route  They don't just focus on one thing anymore.  If you enjoyed this post and want to follow me on this blog.  I welcome your following  I also have another blog that I would like you to follow me on.  It's more of my writing challenge, and pretty much anything that doesn't fit in here.  It's more of my serious blog.  This blog is just for fun really.

This Flat Blog

What I Like About Gaming

Some of us play video games.  Some of us don't.  Just because your an adult, doesn't mean you have to stop playing video games.  Heck, I grew up around video games  They can be great fun  Some people even incorporate the Wii into weight loss.  I'm a gamer generation.  My kids will probably be gamers.

First Person Shooters can be a lot of fun.  While I don't play them that often, because I tend to get headaches from playing them a lot, I do enjoy them.  Why?  You get to shoot people and blow stuff up.  I think that's the whole object behind First Person Shooters.  The multi-player aspect of these games is just awesome.

Racing Games are a lot of fun too.  Perhaps my favorite of the group to play.  I've played Burnout Revenge a lot.  Why do I like it?  Again, the multi-player aspect.  I like the fact that you can use your car as a weapon and knock other players off the track.

Role Playing Games.  Commonly known as RPG games and MMORPG for the Massive Multi-player Online ones.  Why I like them?  They tend to be Fantasy based, though you're starting to see more Science Fiction based, which is fine too.  Role Playing Games are great, because you can usually pick and sometimes customize your characters.  You get to pick their abilities or talents.  You can level them up to earn new abilities and skills.  Often times, you can find upgraded weapons that are appropriate for your level range.  It's a blast really.

Building Games or Sim Games  I love Sim Games because they give me an aspect of the game that I can be basically what ever I want  I'm in control to build and strive this: city, park, persons life.  They are great fun.  One Adventure/Building Game that I love a lot and play a bunch recently is Minecraft.  It's awesome.  I like Minecraft for the building aspect of it really, although I do enjoy going on adventures here and there and carving my path into the world.

Well, I think that about covers it.  What's your favorite genre and why?

Family Reunions

I'm at my cousins house, but that's not going to stop me from producing content.  I have a family Reunion coming up and I was wondering what you guys like about them.

So, what do you like about family Reunions?  Me, I happen to like being able to spend time with my cousins and little cousins.  It's fun to be able to spend time with your family that you don't get to see that often.  The food is awesome.  Most of the time, the way our Family Reunions work, is we generally have a pot luck style get together where everyone brings a dish.  Sometimes someone brings two dishes.  Depending on how much work they want to do and what the feel like making.  Just the thought alone of getting together and spending time with people you don't get to that often, regardless of how old they are, is an awesome thought.  Especially if you like those people.

What kind of food do you look forward to seeing at Get Togethers.  I love to see Banana Pudding.  I know, for someone who is trying to get a six pack, it's not the greatest thing to eat.  We have to keep in mind though, that everything in moderation.  When it comes to food at least.  Sure, some things we should steer clear of.  Like, greasy foods.  Family Reunions doesn't mean you have to indulge   The whole point of a family reunion is the fact that we get together and spend time with our family.  We should spend time with our family anyway.  At least the ones that we can.

One final question.  Do you ever bring friends to your Family Reunions or get togethers?  I have yet to do that myself, but I'm sure I would, if my friend was bored, or didn't have anything else to do.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Empire Avenue - Full Strategy

Everyone on Empire Avenue seems to have a different strategy.  While some strategies share things in common with others, I thought I would share my own strategy for investing on EAv.

First off, let me start by saying that there are three different types of investors on Empire Avenue.

First type of EAv player is the Connector.  The Connector is the kind of player who really doesn't care about the game much at all and staying active.  All they really care about is making connections and making new friends.

Second type of EAv player is the Investor.  These are the players who focus more on being a good investor than being a good investment.  These people may have a good Netwealth, but have a crappy Return On Investment, or commonly known as ROI, which we will be using here on out.

Third type of EAv player is the Investment.  The Investment players have a strong focus on being a good Investment.  In other words, these are the players that are creating content, but not always so.  They usually have a good ROI and their stock prices are usually pretty high, or steadily climbing.

You don't really need to know much to be the first type of player, but for the other two, you need to know how the game works.  So, I'm going to give you a bit of a strategy that you can use to be one of two types of players, the Investor or the Investment.

Like I said, first off, you have to know how the game works.  EAv calculates your top five scores and that total along with your shareholders activity, determines your ROI.  Usually anyone that has a ROI of a 1% or better, is usually a good investment.  Some people will say at least 1.3% or 1.5%.  Everyone has their own strategy.  The question is, how do you increase your shareholders and activity?

First off, you have to connect all of your accounts.  Except for the Facebook Fan Page.  Most people don't have them to begin with, or have no reason to have one.  Next, connect your blog or two, or three.  How ever many blogs you feel comfortable using.  Many people connect Tumblr as a blog, it's in the works for Tumblr to have it's own connection.  Next, complete your profile and add a BIO.  People want to know who they are connecting with.  Finally, add a profile picture.  Sad to say, but a lot of people will not invest in you if you don't have a Profile Picture.  It can be an Avatar, as long as it represents you.

Step one is done now.  Now what?  It's time to get active.  Join a few communities.  I recommend at least 2-3 communities to start off with.  Their much more manageable that way.  When you get used to the working of the game, you can increase to 5-8 communities if you wish.  I currently have 2 City, 5 Interest, and 5 Personal community connection.  I may or may not increase that number.  I feel comfortable where I'm at right now.  Once you've joined those  communities, get active.  Read post.  Thumbs up the post.  Reply to them.  You don't have to read every single post in that community.  You can if you want.  But, I recommend at least the first page of them for starters.  Don't want to be over whelmed.

Ok, I'm active in the communities, now what?  Next step is to change your status.  Change it frequently.  You don't have to change it every hour like some people do.  After you start receiving shout outs on your home page, start giving a Thumb up to those.  The more active you are, the more people will notice you.  The more people will Thumb Up you.  This activity produces dividends.  After about a week, you should start to see advertisements.  Thumb them up too and don't forget to get your own advertisements after one week of play time.  Advertisements don't cost real money, so relax, just do it.  They help out buy factoring in the likes and click through rates you get on them.

Now that you're a bit active and your starting to get the hang of things.  It's time to start looking at who to invest in.  You can start to do this from day one.  As mentioned above, ROI is one thing to take into consideration.  You don't have to invest in everyone that invest in you.  That's a good way to lose some Eaves.  Eaves is the virtual currency of EAv.  We'll refer to Eaves as (e) from here on out.  Look at a person's ROI, if the ROI is above 1% on return, they are a good investment.  If you'd like to set your own standards, feel free to do so.  I'd recommend no less than 1% though.  If you've invested in someone and they've dropped below a 1% for example - if they dropped to 0.98%, don't sell them right off.  Check out their activity levels and see if they are still active/gaining in value.  Chances are, they just got a shareholder increase and can sell more shares.  This is a temporary factor that really doesn't factor in at all.

Next thing to look at is their gain.  These two things are easiest to look at right off the bat.  How much are they gaining?  I recommend people that are gaining at least +3 per day.  You can do less if you desire, but for quick returns, I recommend at least +3 per day.  Here's why, if the person has a bad ROI, but has a good gain, let's say +5 or better.  I probably would invest in them.  After I've checked their connections.  That's in the next section.  If they've been gaining for a while, and they're still affordable, I'd probably invest in them.  A lot of the whole Gain factor for me, is a combination of Connections, ROI, Gain, and if they have a blog connected.

Blogs.  Does the person have a blog connected?  If so, how many?  RSS feeds to such sites as which are music sites, Yahoo Answers, and Wiki type websites, don't count as a Proper Blog Feed and won't count towards your score.  So, it's kind of pointless to add them.  Instead, a better strategy would be to link your favorite songs to a blog post and write a short paragraph on why you like these songs.  If the person has steady blog post on a regular basis, I probably would invest in them.  That is if they are a gainer and/or have a good ROI.  If you don't have a blog connected, chances are, I probably won't invest, unless you have strong connections elsewhere.

This brings us to Connections.  For twitter, I check to see how many followers they have.  If all of their connections only have a few hundred people connected.  Chances are, they probably won't be a good investment.  Facebook.  How many friends to they have?  How active are they?  How many likes do they get compared to their post?  Facebook Fan Page.  Same as Facebook.  LinkedIn.  How many connections do they have?  What about recommendations?  Flickr.  How many photos do they have on Flickr?  Do they appear to be getting comments?  Youtube.  How many subscribers do they have?  How many video views do they have total?  All this goes into factoring if they would be a good investment.  It takes time to find a good investment.  But, if you stick with it, the rewards will be great.

I'm finding good investments, what's next?  Well, now, we have to produce some content of our own.  As Chris Pirillo mentioned in one of his videos.  Use what ever equipment you have available to you to use.  If all you have is a cheap camera at the moment.  Use it until you get a better one.  You can find the Youtube channel of Chris Pirillo Here.  You can invest in Pirillo buy visiting his ticker on Empire Avenue.  e(PIRILLO).

What do I produce for content?  Well, for starters, try creating a blog or two.  You can use Wordpress, or Blogger, which are the two common blogs.  I happen to be using both.  One blog is for one thing, While another blog is for another.  Next, you want to grab a camera that can record video and get that onto your PC or Mac for uploading to Youtube.

Get active on twitter.  When you produce a blog post, tweet it.  When you produce a video, tweet it.  Don't stop their, Retweet other peoples tweets.  Talk to people on twitter, that counts as a mention.

Use Facebook.  Post your videos and Blog post on Facebook.  Often times, different users watch different platforms.  Chances are, you won't have very many people on all platforms.  Interact with your friends, so they'll interact back with you and like your post and comment on them.  Same for your Facebook Fan Page.

Perhaps you want to have a Facebook Fan Page that's a completely different topic.  That's fine too.  Just be active.

On LinkedIn, Join a few groups, be active in them.  Add connections and recommend people you've worked with.

On Flickr, take photos and upload them.  Simple right?  Comment on other peoples photos.  They'll notice and probably comment on a few of yours.

What is an Activity Score?  After two weeks of play time, all your scores are added up, and you'll get an Activity Score.  Why is this score important?  This score determines your rank as an employee on a certain index.  What index?  You get to choose a your index when you sign up for EAv.  The higher your rank, the more likely people will invest in you.  Not always. the case though.  Much still has to do with connections in those cases.

How are scores calculated?

First off and foremost, understand this, all of your scores are calculated based off overall activity on that network and how people interact with you.

Empire Avenue - Thumbs Up You Receive.  Comments you receive in communities.  Total Shareholders.  Total Recommendations you receive.  Likes and Click through rates on your advertisements.

Twitter - There isn't much to twitter.  Your tweets ReTweeted.  How many Mentions you get (how many chats you have with people.  Each mention count.)  How many followers you have and how active they are.

Facebook - Comments.  Likes on Comments.  Comments on comments.  Comments on photos too.

Facebook Fan Page - Basically the same as Facebook.

LinkedIn - How many connections you have.  How many recommendations you have.  How active you are on LinkedIn.

Flickr - This one is easy.  It's comments on your photos, favorites, and uploads.

Youtube - Many options here.  Don't have content?  That's easy to fix.  Thumbs Up other videos you like.  Comment on other videos.  Add other videos to your favorites.  Produce videos?  How many subscribers you have.  How many views you have.  How many Likes/Favorites you have.  How many comments you have.

That's basically Empire Avenue in a nut shell.  My strategies and guide to help you get started on EAv.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Comment/Share this blog post if it helps you.  If I've left out anything, feel free to let me know.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Most Epic Coffee Table Ever

I was browsing around and saw perhaps the most epic of all Coffee tables.  That is if you are a gamer perhaps.  So, someone actually made an NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Controller Coffee Table.  That's right.  A Coffee Table that looks like an NES Controller.  Here are a few images and a link to the blog below.

And here is the link to the Blog.

I highly recommend following this blog.

Cool Wallpapers

I don't know about you, but I like to share things with people that I find that are interesting.  If you've been on the internet for very long.  You've probably come across some cool wallpapers.  I've come across some today that I'd like to share.  Here are just a couple of them.

This one happens to be a wallpaper from Debian
Debian is an Operating System.
You can find other wallpapers from
other Operating Systems by using Google.

This is the one that I'm using.

And here is the link to find these and more cool wallpapers, etc.  Hope you enjoyed this post.  Wallpapers

Stupid Things People Do

This post is titled Stupid Things People Do.  I'm thinking about making this series of post.  In other words, either a daily, or weekly post.  Probably daily.  There is so much that people do that are just stupid.  Here's one of them

So, today's post is about Car Manufactures.  When you go to the Car Dealer, to purchase a new car.  One might consider asking, if they come with a spare tire.  What, seriously?

Yep, today's stupid things is that Car Manufactures are starting to not put Spare tires in cars.  Why?  What's the method behind the madness?  Their point of view is to make the car lighter and more fuel efficient.  Seriously?  Sense when does taking out a donut tire make the car more fuel efficient?

My point is this.  Cars have always come with a spare tire.  Why?  That adds to the safety features of the car.  Maybe not in the minds of the sellers, but in the minds of the consumer.  How often have you been down the road and needed a spare tire?  Chances are, not very often, yet it's still nice to have that spare.  It's a comfort to most people.  And people are starting to take note.  There are numerous other things you can do to a car to make it more fuel efficient.

Next time you go to a dealer.  Make sure the car has a spare tire.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Empire Avenue - Community Updates

So, it's that time again, for an update on Empire Avenue.  As I write this.  The communities are currently down.  Why are they down you ask?  Simple.  Community Updates.  Much needed ones at that.  It's been ages sense the last community update, if they've even had one at all.

So, what are they changing?  Well, for starters, chat rooms will no longer be on the front page, except for the Help and Special Event chats on the site.  Now, chats are going to be run inside of the communities only.  This is a big plus.  Now, when you log onto Empire Avenue, you won't be bombarded with tons of chat rooms that you don't even want.

Here are some of the other features being added to the chat rooms.

  • Thumbing up of posts

  • Favouriting of posts

  • Searching posts in a Community

  • Subscribing to individual Communities for notifications

  • New notification levels

  • Integration of Communities with Indexes!

  • If you'd like to see the original article for verification.  You can find it on the official blog of Empire Avenue at This Link Here.

    Sunday, June 12, 2011

    Mumford and Sons

    There is a bad that I like called Mumford and Sons.  They rock, literally.  Seriously though.  They are awesome. They have a way to keep me awake at the wee hours of the night.  It's not joke.  If you like good Banjo music.  This is your band.  Thing is, they aren't only Banjo.  They are Guitar and Electric Guitar.  They are Drums and Vocals.  One of their tops songs is a favorite of mine.  It's called Little Lion Man.  I feel that the song is about someone you let go.  Someone you liked a lot and now you can't have them back.  That's the basics.  But, then again, how many songs are like this?  A bunch.  But, this one stands out, not because of what it means, but the way they have with words.  Their a UK band.  Which is even more awesome.

    I'll warn you before you hit the play button.  They do use a curse word in this song.  But, it's used in context.  Don't judge it, before you give it a go.  Just might be your next favorite song.

    I hope that you really enjoy this song.  At least half as much as I do.  It's truly epic.

    Friday, June 10, 2011

    Why I Like Minecraft?


    What the heck is it?

    Well, Minecraft is a simple, easy, fun game.  Well, that's not all it really is.  It can be aggravating at times, but which game can't?  No, seriously, what is Minecraft?  Well, Minecraft simply put, is a game based off Mining and Crafting.  Hence the name Minecraft.  The game itself is made up of 3D cubes.

    "Oh no, 3D Cubes" (runs and hides).  Ok you sissy.  Run away, but your missing a great game by judging it by it's graphics.  While it isn't top "NOTCH" graphics, it is still a great game.  Graphics isn't everything.  I've seen some crappy games come from some beautifully designed games.  Too much effort into the graphics, not enough into the gameplay.  And if you like those kind of games.  Pft, I feel sorry for you.

    What's with the caps lock?  Well, it just so happens that "Notch" is the God of Minecraft.  But, Notch isn't the one you have to fear in Minecraft.  Nope.  I think the worst thing in Minecraft, has to be Creepers.  What's a Creeper?  Well, they are Green things that run around and blow you up if you aren't careful.

    ..........Wait..........Did you just say blow up?  Yes, I did, but, they have to touch you, or you have to touch them first before they start flashing.  If you run far enough away, they'll stop flashing and won't blow up.  Thus is the tactic to kill them.

    Hit, and run like a bat out of hell.
    Rinse and repeat.

    Why would you want to play a game where the whole purpose of the game is to Mine and Craft?
    Well, that can be easily answered.  I'll admit, the game can be addicting.  But, with the right elements, any game can be addicting to the right person.  But, that's not why you should play it.  There are a load of crafting options you can make.  On top of that, they are always updating the game.  Once you buy the game, it's yours.  You can update the game free of charge.  What you can build, is really up to you.  I've seen some pretty creative things coming out of Minecraft.

    Also, on a side note, you can host your own server with the game.  Create mod packs and what not.  The sky is the limit here.  So, if you are interested in getting this game.  I'd advise you to go to the link below.


    Wednesday, June 8, 2011

    My current Empire Avenue Strategy.

    Thought I'd write a quick post today displaying my current Empire Avenue strategy.

    My current strategy revolves around dividends. That's what it's all about. Getting those with good Dividends. What do I consider good dividends? That's easy.

    Good dividends are anything with at least a 1.10 ROI score. ROI means, Return On Investment. What that means is that that investment is going to give you back what you put into it, plus that .10 percent more. Which is what we are looking for. You don't want to invest in a stock that is giving you less than a 1 return. What that means, is that it's not going to give you back as many Eves. Eves is the virtual currency in Empire Avenue.

    But, how do you disperse your Eves? Well, that's easy also. I tend to go the 50/100 route. If they have the minimum Dividends, I usually buy 50 of their shares. If they have better than minimum, I'll put in 100 shares. Never ever ever buy 200 shares. Unless they are giving out a 1.3 or higher ROI percentage. If they are giving you a 1.3 or 1.5 percentage return on your investment. Sure, by all means, buy 200 shares in them. That means they are going to be a really good investment. That means that they are active and are going to give you a good return.

    What about friends? Investing in your friends is a bad idea if they aren't going to be active. The whole idea behind the game is to make connections and meet new people. If they are creating content and getting good dividends. They are probably going to be a good contact to get to know. Link all your accounts. Unless you're like me and aren't that popular yet to have a Facebook Fanpage. Or, you can create a Facebook Fanpage of a Music group you like and connect that. But, in all reality, unless you are going to be active on that Facebook Fanpage. It's not worth connecting. Why?

    Simple. Empire Avenue only counts your top five scores. If you have a blog connected with 4 other accounts. That's all you really need to play the game effectively. Some people say connect them all, that a 1 score is better than a 0 score. Seriously though, if it only counts 5, what's the point in connecting others?

    I'd even go as far as buying into someone who has over a 1 in their ROI score. If i think they're active and producing content and that they'll grow. I'll invest. But not less than a 1.

    I hope this strategy helps you out. The key here is to diversify your stock. Get some diversity. Spread out your Eves. You can even use a 25/50 strategy if you'd like to make them go even further. Also, don't expect others to buy you back just because you bought into them. if someone says, I bought you, now buy me back. I won't do that. Keep it real people.

    Mac vs PC

    So, I'm just browsing around and watching some videos on Youtube. More specifically, a few videos Chris Pirillo showed on his Youtube Channel. One video that stood out to me, was his Mac OS X Lion features and review video. I'll post it in the blog below if you'd like to watch it. The new Airdrop feature will be a great addition. Being able to send files from one Mac to another Mac easily will be just awesome.

    Apparently Macs are great for Screen-casters. People that do a lot of Screen-cast on Youtube would benefit greatly from a Mac. The only downside I could see of this so far? Well, if you're looking at getting ahold of a hard disc copy of Mac OS X. You'll have to wait a while. For now, it's only going to be available for download via the Apple Store. I know. Might be a bad move for Apple. Of course, you can always buy a new Mac, which I will probably end up doing to begin with. It's going to be my first Mac anyway. Going to be excited about using it. I'll include the link so you can look over the Mac OS X yourself and see what all the hype is about. Now, before all you geeks out there start calling it Mac OS x. It's not Mac OS x. It's Mac OS X. As in the roman Numeral X. Number 10. Not as in the letter x. If you're going to be a Geek, at least get it right.

    Mac OS X

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011

    Nicko's Kitchen Chicken Pizza

    I have to say, I love Nicko's Kitchen. Just an awesome show on Youtube where Niko showcases some of his awesome recipes in video format. A lot of these recipes are easy to do. He's got Budget Meal Mondays, What you want Wednesdays, and Fast Food Fridays. What else can you want. What else can he share? Don't believe me? Just watch a couple of videos I'm sharing in this post.

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    Egg Omelet for Breakfast

    For breakfast this morning, I made some awesome Egg Omelets this morning for Breakfast. Making a tasty Omelet is all about the Ingredients and Technique.

    So, what did I use this morning for ingredients?

    3 Eggs, beat them like you would beat Scrambled Eggs. 2 Eggs optional if you have a 6 inch pan.
    I use an 8 inch pan for the three Egg Omelet.

    Fresh Green Onions. You can use any kind of Onion really. About 1 tablespoon chopped.

    Fresh Parsley. About 1 Tablespoon of that as well to make 2 Tablespoons of additives.

    Salt and Pepper to taste.

    About 1-2 teaspoons of Milk.

    About 1-2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce.

    Add the ingredients and beat the eggs yet again to mix the ingredients well.

    Add a little Olive Oil to the Pan to coat the bottom.
    (Optional). I like to add a little bit of stick butter to the Olive Oil and let it melt.

    Make sure you cook on the right temperature for Egg. A low heat on about number 3-4 should be fine.

    It's best to use a Heat Resistance Rubber Spatula for this. Pour the Egg mixture into the pan. Should be ready by now.

    Let the Egg mixture cook a little on the bottom. Then stir it like you would cook Scrambled Eggs.

    Stir is Occasionally until the mixture is almost all the way cooked. Then, spread the mixture back out into the pan, and let it finish cooking.

    At this point, before you let it finish cooking. Is when you want to add any of your extra ingredients. Such as: Cheese, Mushrooms, Sausage. What ever you fancy putting in the center. Just remember to use small amounts. Don't over do it with the ingredients. I'll be harder to flip if you get too many center ingredients.

    Next, after the cheese has melted. Fold it into thirds starting at the top. Fold the top third of it over. Work the bottom free and fold over the bottom. Or, fold over the top again if you choose.

    Your Egg Omelet is ready to serve with Bacon and Parsley.

    This is what your Omelet should look like when it's done.

    Awesome Deviled Eggs with Bacon

    Thought I would upload the recipe for my awesome Deviled Eggs.

    First things first. Ingredients.
    What you'll need.

    10-12 hard-cooked eggs, halved, divided.

    6 strips cooked bacon, finely chopped. (optional) note: can use bacon bits instead.

    1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons chopped green onions, divided. note: I find that I like more green onion.

    1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley. note: can use dried parsley, but fresh is better and cheap.

    2/3 cup mayonnaise. note: mayo is a too taste thing.

    1/2 teaspoon of celery seeds. note: can be expensive. better off buying boxed sets with it.

    1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder.

    1/8 teaspoon of pepper. note: also a too taste thing.

    Directions for this recipe:

    Step 1:
    With pastry blender or fork, mash egg yolks in medium bowl until finely crumbled.
    Gently stir in bacon, 1/3 cup of the green onions and parsley.
    Stir in mayonnaise, celery seeds, garlic powder and pepper until blended.

    Step 2:
    Spoon a generous 2 teaspoons of the egg yolk mixture into each egg white half.
    Sprinkle with remaining 2 tablespoons of Green Onion. Note: I find that more is needed here.

    There you have it. The awesome Deviled Eggs with Bacon recipe. I got this recipe from the Cooking Club magazine. Great resource for recipes. You won't regret this one. It'll be a hit at your next get together. If your family is like mine that is. They love their Deviled Eggs. The only complaint I got last time, was not enough of them. Should have made two dozen.

    Here is an Image of the Eggs. I'll upload a better image hopefully the next time I cook them.

    Friday, June 3, 2011

    Spaghetti Carbonara

    I'd like to share another Youtube video. If you love Italian food, you'll want to subscribe to this channel. It's an awesome channel with great food. A definitely must have channel for your subscription if you like Food. Here is a video for a tasty Spaghetti Carbonara. Makes me want to make it myself.

    Chris Pirillo Interviewing Aaron White from Empire Avenue

    So, I was browsing Youtube and found some more videos of Chris Pirillo that I thought I should share. These happen to pertain to Empire Avenue. Don't worry, I won't be posting nothing but Chris Pirillo videos. With no further ado, here is a two part series of the interview.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Blog Post Verification.


    This is just a blog post for verification for Empire Avenue.

    Empire Avenue. Chris Pirillo

    This video is a showcase of a few tips from Chris Pirillo.  You can subscribe to Chris Pirillo's Youtube channel and watch a lot of his videos.  He produces a lot of good content, some not so good.  While his opinions are his own, many do agree with most of them.