Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to write several blog post in one day?

So, I was asked to write a blog post on how to write several blog post in one day.  What is my key?  I think the key to my success is I just write what ever is on my mind.  One thing I'm started to do is read the newspaper occasionally.  I can get at least several blog post out of there.

Writing multiple blog post a day doesn't have to be time consuming or difficult.  I just wrote two blog post in probably 5-10 minutes.  The thing is, if you find something interesting.  Write about it.  If you have to, make a second blog away from your main blog and write about photos that you find on the internet.  If you find some cool wallpapers, or a website that is loaded with them, write about it.  Share the link.  Are you a news junkie, and love keeping up with current events?  Write about your favorite website for gathering information.  Or, better yet, keep that website for yourself and write about the article that stick out to you.  Write about how stupid the people are in the article.  What your thoughts are on the whole issue.  Sure you're going to have some criticism, but every great writer has their critics.  Look at J. K. Rowling.  Being attacked by the Christians.  This is why I hate religion.  It's the hard core religious nuts that are perverting things around.  I consider myself a spiritualist, not a religious type.

If you're passionate about religion though, write about it.  I'm sure you'll get a following.  While my following is currently only two people on this blog.  I have a few readers on my other blog as well.  It's the comments I get like "With the bases loaded, you struck us out with that answer."  "This post makes mine look feeble."  These kind of comments that I get keep me inspired.  They keep me going. That says to me that, hey someone is actually reading my stuff.  It may take you a while to get a few followers, but hey, keep at it and you'll get them in no time  Just stay active on the social networks.

Well, I think that's about all I have to say really.  Just write what your passionate about.  Pick several things to write about.  A lot of blogs nowadays are going that route  They don't just focus on one thing anymore.  If you enjoyed this post and want to follow me on this blog.  I welcome your following  I also have another blog that I would like you to follow me on.  It's more of my writing challenge, and pretty much anything that doesn't fit in here.  It's more of my serious blog.  This blog is just for fun really.

This Flat Blog

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