Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My current Empire Avenue Strategy.

Thought I'd write a quick post today displaying my current Empire Avenue strategy.

My current strategy revolves around dividends. That's what it's all about. Getting those with good Dividends. What do I consider good dividends? That's easy.

Good dividends are anything with at least a 1.10 ROI score. ROI means, Return On Investment. What that means is that that investment is going to give you back what you put into it, plus that .10 percent more. Which is what we are looking for. You don't want to invest in a stock that is giving you less than a 1 return. What that means, is that it's not going to give you back as many Eves. Eves is the virtual currency in Empire Avenue.

But, how do you disperse your Eves? Well, that's easy also. I tend to go the 50/100 route. If they have the minimum Dividends, I usually buy 50 of their shares. If they have better than minimum, I'll put in 100 shares. Never ever ever buy 200 shares. Unless they are giving out a 1.3 or higher ROI percentage. If they are giving you a 1.3 or 1.5 percentage return on your investment. Sure, by all means, buy 200 shares in them. That means they are going to be a really good investment. That means that they are active and are going to give you a good return.

What about friends? Investing in your friends is a bad idea if they aren't going to be active. The whole idea behind the game is to make connections and meet new people. If they are creating content and getting good dividends. They are probably going to be a good contact to get to know. Link all your accounts. Unless you're like me and aren't that popular yet to have a Facebook Fanpage. Or, you can create a Facebook Fanpage of a Music group you like and connect that. But, in all reality, unless you are going to be active on that Facebook Fanpage. It's not worth connecting. Why?

Simple. Empire Avenue only counts your top five scores. If you have a blog connected with 4 other accounts. That's all you really need to play the game effectively. Some people say connect them all, that a 1 score is better than a 0 score. Seriously though, if it only counts 5, what's the point in connecting others?

I'd even go as far as buying into someone who has over a 1 in their ROI score. If i think they're active and producing content and that they'll grow. I'll invest. But not less than a 1.

I hope this strategy helps you out. The key here is to diversify your stock. Get some diversity. Spread out your Eves. You can even use a 25/50 strategy if you'd like to make them go even further. Also, don't expect others to buy you back just because you bought into them. if someone says, I bought you, now buy me back. I won't do that. Keep it real people.


  1. What you maybe forgot is the social component. EA shouldn't be all about figures and ROI.

    1) If someone invests 200 shares in you, but you only 50, he is more likely to sell you again and you go down
    2) And what about fast growing share values with less dividend?
    3) Does that furthermore mean that I shouldn't invest in you because your dividend yield is currently 0.97%. And why you own only 50 in me when my ROI is 1.13%? :-))

    Best Pascal (

  2. If your ROI is up and I'm not aware of it. I'll gladly invest more into you. I'm not against fast moving stocks. That's a good way to gain money fast if you can get in on them in the early stage. But when a fast moving stock is currently at 20+ I tend to stay away from those stocks. Because, how much more are they going to go up? Will that be a bad investment in the long run? I'm better off investing in people who have better dividends and pay me more over the long run than a short gain. Those are sure bets. There are multiple ways to look at it. This is just a strategy I've developed over the time I've played and from reading others strategies. I understand it's not the only one, but it works for me.

  3. I think your strategy is not so bad. I only wanted to know your opinion regarding the mentioned point! Thanks for your detailed answer! I will keep your tips in mind! -Pascal
