Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Family Reunions

I'm at my cousins house, but that's not going to stop me from producing content.  I have a family Reunion coming up and I was wondering what you guys like about them.

So, what do you like about family Reunions?  Me, I happen to like being able to spend time with my cousins and little cousins.  It's fun to be able to spend time with your family that you don't get to see that often.  The food is awesome.  Most of the time, the way our Family Reunions work, is we generally have a pot luck style get together where everyone brings a dish.  Sometimes someone brings two dishes.  Depending on how much work they want to do and what the feel like making.  Just the thought alone of getting together and spending time with people you don't get to that often, regardless of how old they are, is an awesome thought.  Especially if you like those people.

What kind of food do you look forward to seeing at Get Togethers.  I love to see Banana Pudding.  I know, for someone who is trying to get a six pack, it's not the greatest thing to eat.  We have to keep in mind though, that everything in moderation.  When it comes to food at least.  Sure, some things we should steer clear of.  Like, greasy foods.  Family Reunions doesn't mean you have to indulge   The whole point of a family reunion is the fact that we get together and spend time with our family.  We should spend time with our family anyway.  At least the ones that we can.

One final question.  Do you ever bring friends to your Family Reunions or get togethers?  I have yet to do that myself, but I'm sure I would, if my friend was bored, or didn't have anything else to do.

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