Friday, June 10, 2011

Why I Like Minecraft?


What the heck is it?

Well, Minecraft is a simple, easy, fun game.  Well, that's not all it really is.  It can be aggravating at times, but which game can't?  No, seriously, what is Minecraft?  Well, Minecraft simply put, is a game based off Mining and Crafting.  Hence the name Minecraft.  The game itself is made up of 3D cubes.

"Oh no, 3D Cubes" (runs and hides).  Ok you sissy.  Run away, but your missing a great game by judging it by it's graphics.  While it isn't top "NOTCH" graphics, it is still a great game.  Graphics isn't everything.  I've seen some crappy games come from some beautifully designed games.  Too much effort into the graphics, not enough into the gameplay.  And if you like those kind of games.  Pft, I feel sorry for you.

What's with the caps lock?  Well, it just so happens that "Notch" is the God of Minecraft.  But, Notch isn't the one you have to fear in Minecraft.  Nope.  I think the worst thing in Minecraft, has to be Creepers.  What's a Creeper?  Well, they are Green things that run around and blow you up if you aren't careful.

..........Wait..........Did you just say blow up?  Yes, I did, but, they have to touch you, or you have to touch them first before they start flashing.  If you run far enough away, they'll stop flashing and won't blow up.  Thus is the tactic to kill them.

Hit, and run like a bat out of hell.
Rinse and repeat.

Why would you want to play a game where the whole purpose of the game is to Mine and Craft?
Well, that can be easily answered.  I'll admit, the game can be addicting.  But, with the right elements, any game can be addicting to the right person.  But, that's not why you should play it.  There are a load of crafting options you can make.  On top of that, they are always updating the game.  Once you buy the game, it's yours.  You can update the game free of charge.  What you can build, is really up to you.  I've seen some pretty creative things coming out of Minecraft.

Also, on a side note, you can host your own server with the game.  Create mod packs and what not.  The sky is the limit here.  So, if you are interested in getting this game.  I'd advise you to go to the link below.


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