Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Facebook + Skype + Microsoft = Disaster?

So, Facebook just got done announcing a so called Major announcement.  They have been hard at work adding new features to Facebook over the past 6 months.  What new features are they adding?  So far they've only told us about three.  Group Chat, Chat Redesign, and drum roll.....Video Chat.

So, what about Group chat?  What's it like?  Basically, group chat is going to be added to groups so people can communicate easier.  Much of Facebook's traffic right now is in the chat system, so why not allow groups to chat?  Simple concept right?

Facebook has gone and done it again.  They are in the redesign mode.  Are they trying to be like MySpace?  In my personal opinion, MySpace is dead.  They've changed the layout so much, it wasn't funny.  They've changed so much and added so many features that the system couldn't handle it.  The pages had ridiculously long loading times, etc, etc.  So, why is Facebook doing all this redesign?  Epic fail if you ask me.  Seriously.  Supposedly, the new design will allow for your friends to be easier to chat with if you have a wide enough screen.  If you have that wide enough screen, the chat bar that shows all your online/offline friends, will appear automatically to the right.  Wow, what a make over.  Seriously?

Video chat to Facebook?  While many people think it's a good idea to have video chat to Facebook, I think it's just another way to slow down Facebook.  I don't know about you, but I'm not the only one that has had issues using Facebook and it lagging.  All this money, and they can't upgrade their equipment to support the users and the traffic.  Facebook currently has 4 Billion things being shared each month.  That's right, 4 Billion things.  I'm afraid that with all the changes to the layouts, and what not, that Facebook is only going to slow itself down with the Video chat.  On top of that, they are partnered with Skype?

My issue with Skype.  So, Skype apparently is in the process of being sold to Microsoft.  Gasp....That's right.  Microsoft.  Many of you have had experiences with Microsoft.  It seems that anything Microsoft touches, they destroy.  Heck, even their own Operating systems.  Vista was a Fail and unless you have at least 4 gig of ram, don't get 7.  It's almost as though Microsoft doesn't care about it's product.  Seriously.

So, what do I think about all this hype and updates coming to Facebook?  Personally, I think that it's a bunch of B.S.  I think I'll wait for Google Plus.  Google has the money and seems to know what people want way before Facebook.  On top of that, I've heard nothing but good things about Google +.  With that said, don't take my word for it.  Form your own opinion.

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