Sunday, July 3, 2011

Will America Fall?

It's come to my attention that America is behind the times.  How?  Simply put, America is still majorly dependent on oil.  While Americans are highly addicted to oil, the Swedish are trying to become the first country to be completely free of the need for oil.

So, what's America's problem?  Why are so many Americans still concerned with oil?

American's aren't even trying to reduce the gasoline that they use.  Next time you are driving on a Major Highway, or Interstate, look around you at the people in the vehicles.  How many four door Pickup Trucks do you see driving the roads with only one person in them?  How many people do you see driving and they are the only person in the vehicle to begin with?  This is a major problem.  More and more people should be car pooling.  Car Pooling would drastically reduce the amount of cars on the road and the amount of oil we use.  If every car on the road had four people in it instead of only one, we could easily reduce the consumption of oi and the amount of cars by half.  Possibly by two thirds.

The Problem?

America, rather The World has a problem.  Oil is drastically reducing in the amount available, yet what are we doing to make ourselves less dependent on it?  How many trucks out there are using Oil to transport our goods?  Every major highways has tons of trucks on it.  These big trucks use a lot of oil and gas.  This is a very inefficient way to produce food and products.

The Solution?

Did you know that we can now produce plastic from corn?  Corn is a renewable resource.  Renewable resources are the key here.  Not only that, how much paper do we throw away?  How much plastic do we throw away?   What about metals?  So much gets throw away or thrown on the sides of the road, it's not even funny.  If everyone in America recycled what they could, we'd have less need to cut down trees, mine metals, and use oil to create plastic.  The more and more people that use a certain product, the cheaper it becomes to make.

What about cars?  How are we supposed to get to work?

Start investing in Hybrids, better yet, ditch the Hybrids all together and go electric.  Electric cars aren't the greatest in the world, but they have come a long way.  With a bit of shopping around, you can find an electric car that gets a decent amount of miles on it before you have to recharge it.  If that fails you, move closer to town.  In fact, move in town and buy local organic foods.  It's a lot healthier for you and without a car to worry about, you'll be able to afford that Organic food.  Not to mention, you'll be getting exercise, which is also good for you.

If you own a business and both you and your spouse drive, consider taking the same vehicle.  At least that will cut down on emissions and use of gas/oil.

Will America Fall?

That's up to the American people.  Are you going to continue to be dependent on Oil?  Are you going to continue to let your government be dependent on Oil?  This dependency on Oil is a major disaster waiting to happen.  Sweden is way ahead of the game.  What are we going to do?  Wait until America falls and our currency is useless?  You know how hard it's going to be to get that technology we need from Sweden then?  Difficult to say the least.  Sweden's goal is 2020 to become and entirely oil free country.  Will they make it?  They've got not even nine more years.  We'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. People will continue to do things as usual until things just get shaken up. It's hard to motivate an entire country without a catalyst event.
