Friday, July 1, 2011

Things You Must Do Before Traveling To A Foreign Country

People love to travel.  Especially Americans.  Americans put so much money into travel, but there are a few things that you need to do before you leave the country.  This applies to anyone really.

- Get a Passport.  This should be a no brainer.  Should be the first thing you do.  Months ahead of time.

- Pick up a phrase book or language program.  Far too many Americans travel to a foreign country and expect them to be able to speak English.  Contrary to popular belief, English is not a Universal language.  At least learn enough of the language that you can get around, order food, tell time, count currency, and ask for directions.  You'll be glad you did.

- Don't pack to heavy.  You're not moving there, so don't pack the suitcase full of stuff you don't need.  Want to take books?  I've heard of people taking a Kindle with them on their travels to lesson the load of books.  You don't need a weeks worth of clothing either.  If you need more clothing, buy it when you get there.  Only pack one bag and one carry on.  You'll thank me later.

- Buy a map before you go.  You'll be surprised how much time having the right map will save.

- When you finally get there.  Don't be a typical tourist.  The gems of the country are often found where the locals go.  Want a good spot to eat?  Ask a few of the locals.

Follow these few tips and your next trip will be much lighter and a lot more fun.

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