Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Take On Thinking Outside The Box

We have that Age Old question.  How does one thing outside the box?  This question isn't always able to be answered.  I think, that for everyone, it's a different process that we have to discover.  I'll share with you my thoughts on the matter though.

Thinking outside the box, requires one thing and one thing only, Knowledge.  That's right, we have to constantly be learning to be able to think outside the box.  We have to be comfortable enough with ourselves that we can accept change.  What kind of change?  Change within.  This change within, is going to give us a brighter view on the Universe itself and how things work the way the do.

How do we go about this change?  Well, I think the absolute best way to go about this change, is to go out and experience the world.  If you can't travel the world, travel your own country at least.  It's always easier to travel within your own country than it is to travel the world.  So, what is there to gain by all this travel?

Knowledge and Experience.  These two things combine, will allow us to look at our inner selves and see things in a different way.  Think about how your first experience was with a foreigner.  Ok, got that experience?  Many people's first experience with a foreigner in America is often with Chinese people in a Chinese buffet.  If you're Chinese or Oriental for that matter, that's often a different story.

This knowledge and experience we gain over time, will shape who we become.  It will change the way we think, unless of course you're a stubborn fool that is set in your own ways.  I believe that the best way to grow, is to experience.  The experience of different cultures and the way they see things and do things for that matter, changes us all.  Whether we like it or not.  This perspective allows us to broaden our minds, thus giving us a brighter picture.

If you can't travel the world, you can get the same experience from traveling in your own country.  While not to the extent of traveling the world, it does have it's benefits.  The more people you interact with, the more you'll learn.  We have to make it a point, to learn and grow.  If we stop learning, then what are we?  You might have made straight A's in school, but unless you apply that knowledge and grow, you're a nobody.  Do we really want to be a nobody?  I know I sure don't.

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