Sunday, July 10, 2011

To Do, Or Not To Do, The Age Old Question Answered.

To do, or not to do.  We've all heard that question.  Oh wait......that was to be, or not to be.  Same difference really.  To do, or to be.  If we're doing something, we're being something, right?  Here's a simple method on how to answer that question.  First things first.  Ask yourself a question.

If you want to do something, one of the first things we have to do, is ask ourselves, "Will this hurt me?"  Chances are if their is a good probability that it will hurt you, don't do it.  That simple.  If it's not going to hurt you, do it.  It's our life, we deserve to be happy right?

That brings us to the second question.  "Will this make me happy?"  Do you get an adrenaline rush from doing something?  Does that adrenaline rush make you happy?  What really does make you happy?  Does slowing down and enjoying the moment make you happy?  If so, chances are, you should do it.

Sometimes, we just have to be brave.  Yep, every so often, being brave and doing something we've never done, is exhilarating.  We have to step outside our boundaries to grow.  Growing is what life is all about.  So, as Nike would say, "Just Do It."  Have some fun in life, but don't do anything stupid that would cause you to injure yourself.

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