Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things I Can't Stand. Pet Peeves.

There are things in life that we can't stand.  I'm going to go through a list of things I can't stand and tell you why.

- Religion.  I have to say this up front.  While I do believe in a higher power, not everyone believes in the same God you do.  Not everyone has the same belief system you do.  Much of it has to do with the knowledge we posses.  My belief, Religion SHOULD NOT BE TAUGHT, it should be LEARNED.  With that said, Religious folk are often the first to point the finger when someone gets into trouble.  What ever happened to love thy neighbor, love thy enemy.  Pointing the finger and cursing them isn't doing that.  Often times people point the finger because they are just as guilty of something equally bad.  When people learned to walk the walk, I'll follow a religion.

- Women that think they can change a man.  Women often times try to make a man do something he doesn't want to do.  For example, if you tried to make me quit playing video games, I'd get pissed off and probably ditch you for another girl.  There are just some things you just don't do.  If you are in love, you're in love with all of them, not parts of them.  Get used to it.  They aren't the person you fell in love with if you change them.

- Women that get pissed off when a guy looks at another woman.  Yep, that pisses me off too.  Truth be known, women look at other men too.  When you're out with your friends on the beach checking out the guy with the six pack abs, keep that in mind.  People are going to look at other people, and it pisses me off when women get upset about, especially when they do the exact same thing.

- Men that only care about one thing.  Getting in a girls pants.  Yes men aren't excluded from this list.  If all you really care about is getting into a girls pants and not settling down, maybe you should go jump off a cliff.  You are a disgrace to humanity.  You give men a bad name.  Come on guys, be a little realistic here.

- People who don't recycle.  This pisses me off too.  We're running out of Oil and have plenty of renewable resources, yet, we aren't even making an effort to reduce the amount of those renewable resources we need.  Try recycling for a change, it would to the world good.  The Germans are way ahead of you on that one.  If you went to Germany and through away a can that could be recycled, someone would probably get onto you about that.  The Germans are big on recycling.

- Idiotic Thinking.  Yeah, I'm guilty of this, but at least I admit when I'm wrong.  Contrary to popular belief, you're not always right.  Truth be known, we're probably wrong more often than we're right.  If we were right more often than wrong, the world wouldn't be as messed up as it is.  It's time to get off our one track mind way of thinking and start using our brains a little.  This is one reason why I want to travel the world and experience different cultures.  Seeing how others think is a great way to grow and experience life the way it was meant to be.

- Haters.  I can't stand people that have nothing to do than to hate on other people.  It's quite common on Youtube.  I see it all the time, such comments like: "You should go kill yourself," "You should jump off a cliff," "This is so f*d up."  You get the idea.  I've go some news for all those haters.  If you're hating on a video, you're only increasing the comment count.  If you don't like a particular band, then why do you keep watching the videos just so you can comment on them?  If I don't like a band, I simply don't listen to them.  That's the best way to get your message across.  Don't like something?  Stop using the product.  Letters and comments have very little effect, contrary to popular belief.

Well, you know a little bit about what annoys me.  How do people manage to deal with these pet peeves?  I honestly believe that we don't really get over them.  We learn to be more tolerable of them.  If weren't that tolerable, Science wouldn't have come as far as it has.  We wouldn't be where we're at today, but is that a bad thing?

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