Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Problem With Paid Programming

Many people like to watch TV.  I'm a big fan of it myself, although I haven't been watching much of it lately.  Why?  Most of the stuff I have access to is garbage.  Right now, I have only digital TV.  Not Cable, not Satellite, non of those.  Just plain old TV.  Seriously, what's worth watching on plain old TV?  On top of that, the reception is absolutely horrible.  "Oh, it's better than just having an antenna," they said.  That's a load of Bull, when every so often the picture fades in and out or loses connection completely.

This new Digital TV is the worst thing ever.  Seriously, if you're thinking about saving money by switching to Free TV, don't do it.  If you can safely afford to that is.  Although, this post isn't really about Digital TV now is it?  Oh, yes, that's right, gotta stay on track here.  Getting carried away with my rambling.  Paid Programming?  Why does it suck?  What can I do about?

For years now, Cable and Satellite TV have been at war.  Cable has been known as the money pig and Satellite has been known to have less of a Reception.  But, why should I pay for it?  They won't let me choose what programs I want to pick.  Over half the stuff on TV, I don't want to watch.  So, why bother?

Well, there was a company that offered a Pick Your Own Channels package.  I'm going to have to do a bit more research into this.  Although.  Direct TV is become a bit more to my liking.  I might have to check out Cable as well.  What are your thoughts?  What TV service do you use?  Are you happy with it?  Yay, or Nay?

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I are looking at getting a Roku box or an Xbox and just doing Netflix streaming for all our TV "needs." I don't watch much TV anyway, so that would more than suffice for me!
