Friday, July 22, 2011

Photography - Read The Instructions

Far too often, people tend to not read the instructions of many items.  Instead, they go through thinking that they know how to operate the item they just purchased.  Little did they know, that it's a bit more complicated than they thought it would be.

Well, you dummy, if you would have read the instructions to begin with.  This doesn't apply to just photography, in fact, it applies to everything you do.  Admittedly, some things are easier to work with than others.

Yet, you see it everyday.  Humankind's stupidity takes charge and goes, oh, I can do this.  Yet time after time, they do the same thing, and end up with the same result.  A contraption that they have no clue on how to operate it.  Rather, this is stubbornness more so than stupidity, but it's basically the same thing.

Many people are more stubborn than the want to admit.  We all have certain things that we just believe.  We know it to be true and nothing you can say or do will tell us otherwise.  And then we have to go and learn that's not how it works the hard way.  Often, with complete utter failure.

We can save us a lot of utter failure if we'd just read the manual.  Digital cameras, aren't what they used to be.  Even the so called, simple Point and Click cameras aren't that simple.  Even they have settings on there that most people never even use.  Sometimes, we need to see things at a different angle to really truly appreciate the arts.

So, instead of wasting time, read the manual and learn a thing or two about your camera.  You'll be glad you did.  On top of that, you're photography skills will increase with the amount of features you've just learned how to use, but don't just learn how to use them.  Actually use them.  That way you know for sure which settings are your favorite, for certain things.

Now, if only Life came with a manual.

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